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Little Hill Primary School

Sports Premium Funding 2015/16

In 2015-16 Little Hill Primary School received a grant of £9,480 to spend on PE and Sports.  The following table identifies how that funding was spent and our assessment of the impact of the expenditure:

Area of Spend



Tennis and Table Tennis Coaching

A qualified Tennis coach to work with children and model outstanding PE lessons for staff, and also to provide lunchtime and after school clubs (clubs were offered free of charge to the children)


Children have gained lots of confidence and skills in a new area of sport. With teachers working alongside the tennis coach, they have picked up a range of new ideas of activities for the delivery of Tennis as well as warm up techniques that they feel confident to use in future sessions which has enhanced the quality of the teaching of PE and Sport. This has been seen through learning walks and lesson observations.

Team Teaching and After School Club


Sports coaches from 2 different organisations to work alongside teachers on a team teaching basis, to model effective PE lessons and increase the range of sports which children are engaged in.  Also, provision of an after school club throughout the year (offered free of charge to the children).

Sports offered during PE lessons included Basketball, Gymnastics, Cricket, Athletics and a Trampoline taster session.  The club offered was “adventure club”, which allowed the children to experience a range of more adventurous physical activities.


Sports Coach used to enhance range of activities on offer for after school clubs: in particular Gymnastics club and Table tennis club.


Teacher confidence has improved in different areas of PE including outdoor adventurous activities and team games. The school has earned the recognition of the silver mark for PE and is currently working towards the gold mark.


Children gained a considerable amount of confidence and skills in areas and were able to go forward and enter an out of school level 2 competition for both of these sports, with the pupils in the Gymnastics competition being placed highly and receiving a trophy.

Trampoling Day

Sports company came to deliver 45 minute trampoline workshops to all individual classes


Children had a fantastic insight into a sport that many of them have never even thought about taking part in. since then they have been provided with contacts of trampoline clubs that take place within the community to continue to strengthen our links with local clubs.




Taxis to take small groups of children to a range of local sporting events


Children have had opportunities to take part in a range of different level 2 competitions against different schools from the local area. In particular the Sporting Ambassadors Conference has led to those Year 6 pupils taking on their own sports leader clubs for younger KS1 pupils. This has again enhanced the physical activity taking place across lunch times and developed leadership and management skills.






The total spend exceeded the value of the grant, with the additional costs met by the school


Plans for 2016-17

In 2016-17 we expect to receive a similar grant to that received in 2015-16.  Our plans for using this grant to further enhance PE and sports provision within the school include:

  •  Skipping workshops: to help to raise the profile of skipping across the school and encourage children to take part in similar activities over lunch times to raise physical activity.
  •  To continue to offer fantastic after school sports clubs that link to the school games calendar to ensure that pupils are well prepared and confident to enter more level 2 competitions. (A and B teams)

It has been decided that the level of subsidy for the after school clubs is to be reduced, and parents will be asked to pay £1.00 per week (50p per week for pupil premium children) to be paid in advance for the full term.  This decision has been taken for 2 reasons:

  1. The total spend last year was considerably more than the value of the grant: this is not sustainable in the long term, but by reducing the level of subsidy for the clubs we will be able to continue to offer the variety of different activities.
  2. A considerable number of the children who signed up for a place at one or more clubs only attended on an intermittent basis.  It is hoped that by asking parents to make a small financial commitment to the clubs they will be more likely to value them and encourage their children to attend regularly, thus increasing the impact the clubs will have on levels of engagement with physical activity across the school.

We expect to achieve the following outcomes for children as a result of these proposals:

  •  Move towards our Gold mark for PE.
  • More school teams will enter Level 2 competitions and we will have A and B teams.