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Little Hill Primary School

Our Governors

The Governing BODY

The School Governors play a strategic role in making decisions and taking action to improve the standards of teaching and learning for all pupils at the school, in a safe and stimulating environment.

What are school Governors?

School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. They appoint headteachers and other staff.

Governors have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school. Time and time again Ofsted has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the governing body.

What do Governors do?

It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.

The role of the governing body is a strategic one. It has three core strategic functions:

  • To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • To hold the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • To oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure its money is well spent

Governors do not get involved in the day-to-day management of the school.  That is the headteacher’s responsibility.

At Little Hill Primary School the governing body comprises of up to 11 people made up of Local Authority nominations, parents, staff members at the school and members of the local community. 

  • Parent governors are selected by election and are drawn from parents and carers of pupils at the school.
  • Staff governors – selected by election from teaching and support staff paid to work at the school.
  • Community governors – appointed by the governing body to represent community interests.

Meet Our Governors

  Name Type of Appointment

Natalie Austin

Chair of Governors

Chair of Performance Management Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Co-opted Governor - Appointed by Governors

Address: Little Hill Primary School, Launceston Road, Wigston. LE18 2GZ


Term of Office 01.09.19-31.08.27

Michelle Gray

Vice-Chair of Governors

Chair of Safeguarding, Health and Safety Committee

Staffing and Finance Committee

Performance Management Committee

Pay Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Co-opted Governor - Appointed by Governors

Term of Office 03.10.19-02.10.26

Andy Wilkinson

Chair of Pay Committee

Safeguarding, Health and Safety Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan
Co-opted Governor - Appointed by Governors

Term of Office 01.09.19-31.08.27

  Lyndsay Poore

Chair of Pupil Data and Curriculum Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 03.10.19-02.10.26

Vina Pankhania

Staff (Headteacher)

All committees

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Appointed by Ex-officio by virtue of office as Head teacher 

Address: Little Hill Primary School, Launceston Road, Wigston. LE18 2GZ


Term of Office 01.09.15 - present

Image preview

Nicola Hughes

Staffing and Finance Committee

Pay Comm

Safeguarding, Health and Safety Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 01.10.22 - 09.10.26

Image preview

Adam Suffolk

Staffing and Finance Committee

Pay Committee

Safeguarding, Health and Safety Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 01.10.22 - 09.10.26

Image preview

Laura Robinson

Pupil Data and Curriculum Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 01.10.22 - 09.10.26

Image preview

Preeti Sandhu

Pupil Data and Curriculum Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Co-opted Governor - Elected by Governors

Term of Office 01.10.22 - 09.10.26

Image preview

Dean Hayward

Pupil Data and Curriculum Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 09.10.23 - 09.10.27

Faye Jarrams

Staffing and Finance Committee

Safeguarding, Health and Safety Committee

Monitoring Group - School Development Plan

Staff Governor - Elected by Staff

Term of Office 09.10.23 - 09.10.27

Previous Chair of Governors   

Fiona Weston

All Committees                             
LA Governor - Appointed by GB 

Term of Office 01.09.19-31.12.23


Previous governor:

Selina Jones

Previous Chair of Curriculum Committee Parent Governor - Elected by Parents        Term of Office 01.09.19-31.08.23   

Previous governor:

Rachael Dunkley

Curriculum Committee

Staff Governor (Teacher)- Elected by school staff 

Term of Office 20.03.19-03.23

Previous governor:

Istiaque Ahmed

Curriculum Committee                                        

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 03.10.19-02.10.23

Previous governor:

Rob Muddimer

Chair of Curriculum Committee

Parent Governor - Elected by Parents

Term of Office 03.12.18-02.12.22  

Previous Governor:

James Blacklaws

Chair of Health & Safety Committee Finance Committee        Parent Governor - Appointed by GB 

Term of Office 01.09.19-31.08.23

Previous governor:

Emma Jarvis

Curriculum Committee                                  

Staff Governor (Teacher)- Elected by school staff 

Term of Office 04.12.17-03.12.21

Helen Cartledge-Splitt

Previous governor - elected by school staff                           

Term of Office 01.09.15-31.08.19

Term of Office 21.09.20                                                              (Acting Headteacher during MAT leave)

Jonathan Tedds

      Previous Chair of Governors - appointed by GB Board                  Term of Office 01.09.15-31.08.19                                 

There are three sub-committees of the governing body which facilitate its work and they are:

The Data, Pupil & Curriculum Committee

This committee ensures that a wide range of experiences and viewpoints are taken into consideration when they meet to discuss the following aspects that impact teaching and learning and the opportunities that are available to pupils.

The committee has responsibility for:


  • Monitoring & reviewing information on School Performance to include Raise Online & Data Dashboard.
  • Monitoring & reviewing school targets.
  • Monitoring and reviewing in year progress for all year groups and all groups of pupils.
  • Comparing school performance against national data.
  • Reporting to parents according to statutory requirements.
  • Monitoring achievement for all groups of pupils (inc. pupil premium).
  • Monitoring the pupils' work and carry out pupil conversations.
  • Monitoring school target setting systems and how this is reported to parents.

Teaching & Learning:

  • Reviewing Raise Online / Data Dashboard, ensuring the school is meeting standards.
  • Ensuring targeted support and action plans are in place for all teachers who are not at least good.
  • Monitoring and reviewing the quality of teaching across the school.
  • Monitoring teaching for groups of pupils (inc. pupil premium).
  • Monitoring intervention groups for all groups of pupils.
  • Monitoring homework arrangements.


  • Ensuring the school is meeting National Curriculum requirements and to review the Curriculum Policy Statement ensuring it meets pupils' needs.
  • Monitoring and reviewing the curriculum with a focus on basic skills.
  • Monitoring skills coverage of curriculum in all subjects.
  • Parental engagement.
  • Reviewing & updating the SSE (School Self Evaluation).
  • Monitoring & reviewing School Improvement Plan.
  • Monitoring how the school is developing pupils' spiritual, cultural, social and moral awareness.

Behaviour & Attendance:

  • Review Behaviour Policy and monitor school behaviour.
  • Review and Monitor attendance data against the school and national targets.


The Staffing and Finance Committee

This committee provides guidance to the governing body and Headteacher on all matters relating to finance, as outlined in the School’s Financial Regulations & Standing Orders. These will include:


  • Producing & approving the annual budget and present it to the full Governing Body for ratification.
  • Reviewing the actual expenditure and monitoring statements at least once a term.
  • Receiving & Reviewing financial projections.
  • Approving expenditure and virements of sums over £5000, sums below that amount are delegated to the Head Teacher.
  • Conforming to the School's Financial Value Standards in Schools.
  • Assessing the financial progress towards achieving the objectives of the School Improvement Plan.
  • Reviewing leases & contracts – including traded services.
  • Ensuring Best Value principles apply.
  • Reviewing the financial implications on the budget of the Pay & Conditions document.
  • Receiving LA Budget and Out turn Statement (Section 122).
  • Receive the annual accounts and certificate of an audit of The School Fund Account and other voluntary funds held within the school – Assessing the school's insurance cover to ensure that it provides adequate protection against risks.
  • Reviewing and approving the petty cash to be held by the school.
  • Ensuring LA financial procedures are complied with.
  • Obtaining quotations with a view to placing contracts/orders, once the relevant Committee has drawn up a specification.


  • Considering applications from staff for a variation to contract (secondments, early retirements, leave of absence, reduced working hours, etc).
  • Ensuring all personnel records are held securely.
  • Reviewing annually the staffing structure of the school, ensuring that it meets the requirements of the curriculum and is in line with the School Improvement Plan.
  • Reviewing staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the monitoring of absence.
  • Implementing the Appraisal Policy and monitor the teacher appraisal process.
  • Equal Opportunities.
  • Establishing & maintaining a rolling programme for Disclosure & Barring Service (DBS) Checks.
  • Staff training and CPD.
  • Staff Grievance and Discipline (in line with school policies).
  • Staff dismissal, redundancy, and redeployment.


The Safe Guarding Health and Safety  Committee

Premises Health & Safety:

  • Review the school's Health & Safety Policy on an annual basis.
  • Receive a regular report on accident statistics, near misses and incidents of violence or aggression.
  • Comply with current fire safety legislation & regulations: ‘level one’ fire risk assessment should be carried out by the school on an annual basis; ‘level 2’ or technical fire risk assessment is reviewed bi-annually.
  • Ensure Risk Assessments are carried out and reviewed on a regular basis.
  • Inspect the school site and buildings to enable maintenance and improvement, including security. (Site visit)
  • Review and authorise upcoming off-site activities, ensuring that health and safety planning and risk assessments that have been undertaken for them.
  • Receive reports and audits from Health & Safety representatives (to include Caretaking & Cleaning).
  • Ensure staff & Governors undertake appropriate Health & Safety Training.
  • Monitor all safeguarding procedures.
  • Ensure that Health & Safety documents and records are up to date:
  • Fire log book.
  • Asbestos on site.
  • Premise logbook (PAT Testing, Glazing Inspections, an annual check of PE Equipment / Playground Equipment.
  • Establish & review an Accessibility Plan.
  • Review e-safety policy & procedures.

Chair of Governors may be contacted by leaving a message at the office or by letter, addressed Private and Confidential to the school's address.

Governors Secure Area CLICK HERE