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Little Hill Primary School

Our Curriculum

Little Hill's Wider Curriculum. 

Through our 6 core values (Aiming High, More Than Just Me, Thinking For Myself, Daring To Be Different, I Can Do It, How Well Did I Do), we aim to ensure that our school fosters a sense of self-worth and security in who we are, and who we hope to become; to develop a moral compass to guide us through life; to build positive relationships and make a valuable contribution to the world around us. 


We aim for our curriculum to:

  1. Be underpinned by our aims, values and purpose
  2. Develop the whole child – through knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes
  3. Be broad, balanced and have a clear progression in subject knowledge and skills
  4. Be filled with rich first-hand purposeful experiences and gradually more abstract learning
  5. Be flexible and responsive to individual needs and interests
  6. Be open to the future and the needs of future citizens including developing a respect for the environment and other cultures and beliefs
  7. Make meaningful links between areas of knowledge across subjects, enabling our children to begin to understand issues locally, nationally and internationally and to recognise how they can contribute to an even better world
  8. Develop a sense of spirituality, moral integrity, cultural respect and social adaptability in order to thrive and succeed in a diverse and ever-changing world.

At Little Hill Primary School, we follow the National Curriculum (here is the link to the 2014 National Curriculum in full). Each of our wider-curriculum subjects is broken down into key strands. For each strand, there is a carefully sequenced progression map of knowledge and skills taking children on their learning journey from EYFS through to Year 6. Alongside this, is our progression in vocabulary for each unit of learning. See the attachment below for the breakdown of topic areas in each year group (1-6). Please see the tabs attached to this page for more information about our subject curriculum areas. If you would like any more information about our curriculum, please make an appointment to speak with your child's class teacher. 


Our curriculum takes on three key principles which we call ‘The Three I’s’.

  1. The INTENT of our curriculum is to develop every child’s personal, social and moral integrity whilst providing full coverage of the national curriculum expectations within our unique federation curriculumOur curriculum is relevant, meaningful, engaging and ambitious for all of our children. It is based on a highly effective, seven-year journey, building on prior learning. It is purposeful, relevant and aspirational, where language and learning are linked and applied across subjects.  It is broad and rich to provide opportunities and experiences beyond the norm to equip and prepare children to live and succeed in an unknown and ever-changing future world.
  2. IMPLEMENTATION Teachers and LSAs present learning clearly and systematically. They are highly skilled, well trained and enthusiastic. They ensure our curriculum implementation is both well planned and dynamic to allow for unique opportunities as they arise. Reading, Phonics, Writing and Mathematical understanding are the bedrock so children can successfully access other subjects now and as they move through life. Staff have strong subject knowledge due to excellent subject leadership and continual professional development. Our rigorous assessment processes ensure that all children are supported and challenged appropriately.
  3. The overall IMPACT of the curriculum is measured by evaluating both the knowledge and skills our children have gained and acquired against the expectations of the national curriculum as well as the personal and social attributes and qualities they have developed with absolute secure readiness for the next stage of their education.