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Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Little Hill Primary School

Physical Education and Sports Events


At Little Hill school we offer a curriculum which is balanced and broad. We strive to ensure that all pupils receive high quality physical education. They are given opportunities to be physically active in a way that supports both their physical and mental health and wellbeing.  We offer many opportunities to engage in competitive sports both in and out of school. Our ultimate aim is for children to lead a healthy and active life whilst at Little Hill and beyond. We provide opportunities for children to learn how to swim, to understand water safety and perform safe self-rescue.


In light of the research review published by Ofsted (18th March, 2022), we have identified where the 3 conceptually distinctive but functionally connected pillars of progression are evident in our curriculum.


  1. Motor Competence – knowledge of the range of movements that become increasingly sport- and physical activity-specific
    • We cover this with the lessons titled Fundamental lessons in EYFS and KS1 – this is then built upon further through KS2
    • Children in EYFS have taught sessions on fine and gross motor skills outside of their PE lessons too. They also have access to resources and activities that support their motor competence in their continuous provision. Year 1 also have opportunities to refine their motor skills through their enhanced provision.
    • There are units of work within the PSHE curriculum that support he confidence of the child. 
    • Children have the opportunity to feedback and evaluate both their own motor competence skills and those of others too.


  1. Rules, Strategies and Tactics – knowledge of the conventions of participation in different sports and physical activities
    • With every new sport/game taught, rules, strategies and tactics are covered as part of the unit.
    • Children have the opportunity to refine their tactic skills in a range of sports and games, not only in the PE lessons, but also during play and lunchtimes as well as extra-curricular clubs.
    • Where tactics are not required, children have the opportunity to explore what the strategies and steps to success have been; this applies to all subjects, not just PE. If children have discussed multiple strategies to success, then these can be discussed and evaluated as individuals, groups or within a whole-class setting.


  1. Healthy Participation – knowledge of safe and effective participation
    • If they arise, misconceptions deriving from outside of school settings are challenged and corrected.
    • There are opportunities for children to make links with the importance of health and how this applies to physical activities as well as how the body works. This takes place not only in PE but also in Design and Technology, PSHE and science.
    • Links are made with local clubs e.g. local gymnastics and tennis centres.
    • Children have the opportunity to take part in a range of extra-curricular clubs.
    • Children with upper KS2 have the opportunity to take on the role of ‘Play Leaders’ whereby they can lead structured games and activities for EYFS and KS1 children at lunchtimes.



At Little Hill, we have 5 core strands that run through our PE curriculum. Each strand is split into sub-strands which has a progression in knowledge and skills.

  • Games
  • Athletics
  • Gymnastics
  • Dance
  • OAA
  • Swimming

Whole school timetables show all classes are allocated two, one hour slots within each week. One is an outside slot and the other an indoor. Teachers, therefore, plan and deliver the statutory two hours of Physical Education required each week. 

As a school, we provide swimming provision for the whole of Key Stage Two. We travel to a local swimming bath and the swimming is taught by both swimming coaches and members of staff from our school. As a school, we have sent relevant members of staff who attend the swimming sessions on relevant courses and they are all now at least National Curriculum level trained or above and can work alongside the level two swimming coaches from the swimming baths to deliver the sessions. We follow the ASA swimming awards and levels and use a tracking grid as a form of assessment for learning. The grids are taken to the poolside and filled in there and then over the course of the sessions to provide accurate and immediate assessment data for each pupil. The children are then presented with certificates and badges in whole school assemblies when they achieve specific levels.


Extra Curricula clubs

A lot of the sports funding has been used to enhance the range of sporting clubs on offer to the children at Little Hill. We now use SiSports to provide a whole range of extracurricular clubs to lead at lunchtimes and after-school sporting clubs.  


National Curriculum

Please click on the link below to find the National Curriculum programme of study for PE:


Healthy Eating

All pupils are taught the importance of exercise and being healthy through a range of different ways. As a school we provide all pupils with a creative and theme-based curriculum and so Healthy Eating is covered in a range of different subjects including PE, Science, and D.T.

Big Moves

Introducing Big Moves—an electrifying 6-week adventure, tailor-made for our little champions in EYFS and Key Stage 1! This action-packed course is designed to turbocharge concentration, fine motor skills, posture, and independence. Sparks of confidence and self-organisation will ignite as the children embark on this thrilling expedition toward greatness!


Energise Club and Sparx Club


Gear up for an exhilarating adventure with Energise clubs for Year 3/4 and Sparx club for Year 2, spanning a thrilling 10 to 12 weeks! These action-packed programs are set to ignite a passion for physical activity while fostering healthy lifestyles amongst our children. They will embark on a journey filled with excitement and interactive challenges designed to boost physical and mental well-being, including the importance of a nutritious diet. The journey finishes with a celebration event with other schools in our local area.


Aspiration Active

Aspiration Active is an exhilarating five-week coaching program designed to skyrocket confidence, self-esteem, and active engagement among our Year 5 & 6 children. The aim is to transform participation levels and attitudes toward healthy lifestyles. With encouragement from professional coaches, the children embark on a journey of sustained, exhilarating physical activity.


At Little Hill, we are proud to pledge our support and join the inspiring journey of the Let Girls Play campaign dedicated to ensuring girls have equitable access to football. Through inspiring football events throughout the year, we aim to break barriers and pave the way for girls everywhere to embrace the beautiful game with passion and pride.


School Sports Premium

At Little Hill, we aim to use the School Sports Premium money to create enhancing and lasting improvements in our PE provision, children’s physical activity, and sports programs. We are dedicated in supporting the government’s pledge to guarantee children and young individuals have access to a minimum of 60 daily minutes of sport and physical activity, including a recommendation of 30 minutes provided during school hours. With this grant, we aim to seize this opportunity to empower our children and enrich their lives through the joy of movement and sport. Click here for our PE and Sports Premium Evidence and Impact forms.


Extra-curricular clubs

Our extra-curricular sports clubs take place every day of the week. This provision plays a vital role at Little Hill, by offering children unique opportunities beyond the classroom. Children provide their preferences for which clubs are on offer each year, thus providing avenues for children to explore their interests, develop new skills, and foster a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. From yoga to archery, and football to boxercise, engaging in sports outside of regular class hours promotes physical fitness, overall well-being, and a healthy lifestyle, whilst enhancing social skills, leadership abilities, and self-confidence. The children learn to overcome challenges, and celebrate achievements together. These sports opportunities, not only enrich children’s educational experiences but also cultivate lifelong values of discipline, resilience, and a passion for active living.



Sports competitions are crucial for our children as they provide valuable opportunities for personal growth and development. Engaging in competitions, teaches essential life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and sportsmanship, preparing them for future challenges. Additionally, competitions promote physical fitness and healthy competition, instilling a sense of achievement and pride as they strive to excel and reach their full potential.


Move it March

The "Move It March" project seeks to boost physical activity levels among children and young people in South Leicestershire, aiming to increase adherence to the recommended daily guideline of at least 60 minutes of exercise a day.


A month-long initiative challenging or staff and children to accumulate as many steps as we can.


Our Sports Ambassadors

Sports Ambassadors  serve as role models who promote physical activity, teamwork, and a positive sporting culture among their peers.



Holiday Activities and Food Programme (HAF)

Our Holiday Activities and Food programme offers eligible children the chance to enjoy six weeks of free activities and meals throughout the Easter, summer, and winter breaks. It is also open to all children who wish to attend.